the angel sides

Potato Planting

Ron, Waine and Nova's placement's supervisor, has said that he was touched by what we have done. Planting potatoes, which if it's grown properly, would be very usefull, especially for Street2Homes member. And cleaning up the wild grass, which he said, "actually, i have had a plan to do this since many years a go but never manage to do that. And today, you guys done it, it looks much nicer now and hopefully the potatoes will be usefull for Street2Homes. So thank you very much for what you have done, because i will never manage to do this by myself".

Actually, we're not the potato planting experts, so we've made more messes than the proper work. But hey! A process, even it's a bad one, is the part of a work, and the result wasn't too bad though. We've manage to plant about 20 potatoes, and we've cleaned up the 2 ft tall grass. And, the most important thing is, our will to help.

Tree Planting

You can call this team as te green team; we have a lot of discussion and very concern about environment, 1 volunteer have the environmental technique background, we have a green team t-shirt, and we've plant lots of trees.

Our first tree has planted during Stuart and Fauzan's GCD about Deforestation. We've plant the tree at the Meadows Children Centre and has named 'the Singing Bird tree' (for some random reason).

And then, we've also done the CAD about tree planting at Stuart and Judith's placement, Treehouse Children Centre, and have manage to plant about 15 trees. This CAD has included the children, so it was not just about the tree planting, but also about the green way of thinking regeneration.

Anti-Drugs Campaign

Angkots (public cars) and buses are the main transportation for people in Padang because it's affordable. So, they've become our main target for the anti-drugs stickers, so that the people who was in it could see. But, apart from them, we also handing the stikers and flowers to cars, motorbikes, and pedestrians. We also sticking the stickers on the fender's wagon, and wanting to make the shoppers in a department store to be aware about drugs by sticking at the store's wall, but has ended with the operational manager's expulsion to some of us because we've done that withiut permission, haha! Blame our angel side!

Clean-Up the Beach!

Sophie and Karina's GCD become bigger with the action of more than 50 people doing the clean up of the beach, and had been reported by some newspapers and local TV, even the reportation was more about the government and the supporting organisations than Global Xchange, haha! But it really doesn't matter because that wasn't the main point. They can get the fame by claiming our idea, but we're the one who got the bless :).

The activity had started with very unimportant speeches from the other organisations representative, but the cleaning was very good and fun. The beach is one of the places where GX volunteers usually hang out beause it is so beautiful, and seeing the beach without the rubbish is mcuh much much better. But there was still 1 other problem. There's a bin crisis in Padang. We're very rarely to see a bin in any place. So, because we felt that there's no point if we've done the cleaning but there's no bin to put the rubbish so that the beach can stay clean, we will have another action about this. Just wait!

Say No To Plastic Bag campaign

It's a part of Imel and Angharad's GCD, considered to be a small CAD. We're done an action to went to the 3 big shops in Padang, where most of GX volunteers had a bad experiences being forced to take the plastic bag. We went to the shop, buy something with small package (so we have a reason to say no to plastic bag, ask to meet the manager or the person in charge, some made it some are not, to gives a GX petition to encourage the shop to change the bag policy, and then, we've handed out leaflets to the shopper.

1 comment:

wemmy al-fadhli said...

oh mygod
i angree with u
good yes god